Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So yes I am slacker big time, it has been months since I have been on here... There has been so may changes and storys, but I wont bore you with them all... I'll start with my birthday..... Curtis bought me tickets to the Jazz game, and we went and had a freaking blast... The Jazz won and that made it even so much better.. We stayed up at his family and did Thanksgiving with them and that was way good... Rotating holidays with our family seems to work best for us so no one has hard feelings... Christmas, well we do christmas eve with my family every year, because thats when we do all our family stuff... This year we had it at my sisters house, and my brother and his family came and us and my dad... It was such a wonderful night, I couldnt of asked for a better one.. Christmas day Curtis went to Salt Lake with his family for dinner, and I worked like always... After I got off I went to my brothers house for another family dinner, which was nice also.... After he got home we had just a movie night together and that was relaxing lol... Curtis birthday we went north for the day to see if we could spoil him, and which he did get spoiled lol...(Golf bag, Golf balls, Putter)... We didnt go out to dinner because we had planned a nice Steak and Lobster dinner at my sisters house for him..... Then we had some drinks with some good friends(John, Crystal, Bobby, Corina, Amanda, Bobby), there wasnt a lot of people but who cares.... And the rest of the New Years weekend we just relaxed, and hung out.... It has been a rough couple months, but who cares its the little things in life that matter the most....I love you babe!!!!!